Tuesday, June 29, 2010

And no, Ice Cream will not help

I am insanely anxious. I have not worked out since Thursday of last week. I had a bad workout when I did.
I haven't been to Physical Therapy since last Monday because I can't make the time.
I can't focus and I can't leave and go do something else. Moreover, there is nothing I could go do that would make me feel like I've accomplished anything. I don't have shoes, for instance, so I can't even go for a run.
Honestly, I feel like I had too much caffeine. Which I did, yesterday. And the day before. But not today.
So what gives?
The Texas GOP published it's platform recently and they not only want to send people to jail for performing same sex marriages, they want to make it illegal for Gays and Lesbians to have custody of children. The list of atrocities they support goes on, but in those two planks alone lies so much hatred and evil that I can't express what the authors and supporters deserve. You see, almost all punishment would be too good for people who can advocate such hideous (and illegal) laws.
I'm flabbergasted. I'm ashamed to be a resident of Texas. And I'm ashamed that any human being could be so stupid and so cruel.
Suddenly I could just about cry.
I got six birthday cards. Three with doggies, two with gardens, and one with shoes. Seems my friends know me well.
It rained today... well, it rained all night yesterday and right on into today and right through lunch. The temp was so low, I had to turn off the a/c in my car. In fact, it was so nice out that I could cuddle with B. all night long and never feel sweaty or uncomfortable. This, I think, is the true definition of happiness. But it makes me want away from the heat more than ever. I know. I know. My third blog about heat in as many blogs. Not even funny and wearing thin as a subject already. I, however, can practically feel crisp mountain air right now and I have to tell you, it's making the anxiousness even worse.


martypantsROK said...

i was so done with the texas heat long ago. Our summers here (and winters) are pretty mild. And the whole repugnican thing makes me sick - along with the ignorant history book fiasco. I'm happpy not to live in Texas anymore, but ashamed to say I'm from there.

Happy birthday!

Unknown said...

Not to worry. Portlanders were complaining about the weather being too cold and rainy up to a week ago when summer finally decided to show up. Sorry the GOP are such idiots. I would appreciate it if you could convince them to keep their idiocy to themselves. Happy early birthday. Your present is on the way (mailed out on Monday, but UPS thinks it will get there on July 2...missed again) and you need to sign for it. Missing you. TE