Thursday, September 09, 2010

plea for help

I saw on the weather channel this morning that this was the third hottest August on record. I am not surprised, since I recently paid the electric bill.
I am intolerant and opinionated and capable of the smallness and pettiness I detest. Though I recognize it. I am afraid that I cannot control it, and in moments like this I feel my best option is to remove myself. But what if that is not an option? How do I put forward my higher self and not let the worst happen? How do I remember that my choices can and will hurt others, even when that's precisely what I so bitterly want to shove in others' faces?
Drinking, liberally. Fun. Interesting people. I talk too much when I spend all day (and night) working along in my house.
There are 100s of ant bites on my body, which, unlike bee stings, mosquito bites and the countless scratches that wept blood when they happened, are not healing. They continue to draw lymph fluid and form heads that peel off and restart the histamine reaction.
That, and I look like a major FREAK.
I am no longer looking forward to more rain, although cooler weather is a good idea.
Some lower court somewhere in this country ruled that a husband could not be held criminally liable for repeatedly raping and beating his wife because he was Muslim and Muslim law allowed it. A higher court ruled that state and federal law are the only laws in this country that count.
Seriously? Someone tried this defense?
First, it's not even Muslim Law. It's Sharia Law. Pre-Muslim tribal bullshit.
Second, the idea that a religious principle should ever trump our civil laws and our Constitution? What... I can't even finish that sentence. I'm disgusted.
I ... think it's time to either start kicking the asses of all the stupid people out there or renounce the human race.
Someone make me laugh. Please. For the love of all that is kindness and human grace. I am clearly in a mood that needs to be broken.

1 comment:

Fred said...

You are working too hard, my dear. Put your running shoes back on and take advantage of the cool weather. Find a trail. Go to the lake. No one will care about the ant bites, least of all me. Get those endorphins.
