Monday, July 25, 2011

And the gold medal for jumping to conclusions goes to the United States Media

Ethnic Norwegian.
That's what they keep saying in the news. That the man who committed the atrocious shooting in Norway was an ethnic Norwegian.
What have we come to in this country that we first have to establish that a terrorist IS NOT MUSLIM, before we can report the facts? Because we're all prone to jumping to conclusions... even me.
It reminded me that the states of information and journalism in this country are abysmal. For the most part, you are ignorant and intentionally so, and you would probably first think someone of Muslim faith had blown up downtown Oslo and was picking off swimming youngsters at a summer camp.
I am saying this because the conclusion I jumped to was, "nutcase." Not entirely without prejudice, but I do have to say, I pictured a bland, blonde nutcase all along.
Hate and closed mindedness have no particular claim to any ethnicity. Or religion.
Oh, and lest you want to call me a bleeding-heart liberal, let me remind you. Jesus was a liberal.

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