Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It is December the 26th.
Five days remain in 2012 and there is snow on the ground.
I am looking back over the year and wondering how so much could change, while so much stays the same.
I also wonder why I always always remember my Godmother's dining room. It's as if I am haunting that spot. But that's another exploration for another day.
This last month, we got a new kitchen floor. Actually, we installed a new kitchen floor. It makes me happy that the kitchen now looks less schizophrenic. And that Brandon and I survived the experience.
I spent most of 2012 as stressed as anyone could possibly be in a job. And then on Oct 31st I quit.
Please don't think it was entirely spontaneous. I even sat down with a dear and trusted friend to do the math on quitting without another job the week before. I told Brandon I wanted to quit for several weeks before I did. Still, it was a nearly crazy act, topped only by the sheer insanity of staying in the job one more minute.
It actually took some time and emotional fortitude to make it through the adjustment period back to normal. And I'm really not sure I'm there yet, as a matter of fact.
The old lady next door finally died after two-plus years in a nursing home. Of course, by that time her grand and great-grand children were living in the house. Turns out they weren't paying the mortgage, though. So, it was foreclosed on in spectacular fashion and for the first time I actually witnessed someone's things hauled out and dumped on the lawn.
An investor bought the house and gutted and rebuilt it. Soon, we'll have new neighbors. And yet, it's not that much change either.
Brandon and I adopted a second Dachshund, named her Peanut before we knew we were keeping her, and call her Nuesschen. She is a total brat who completely runs Oscar, Brandon and my Life, so that was a huge change - brought on by a 11-pound ball of cuteness.
I still have Bailey, Tyler and Jenna. Although Jenna almost died in the spring when she got in a fight (again) and had her throat torn out. Tyler is very slow these days, but for the miracle of baby aspirin, I bet he would hardly walk. Still, this morning he went out in the snow with some spring in his step. That was a joy to see.
Eric got a job delivering flowers after 8.5 months of unemployment. It was a harried time. Some days, though, I don't even remember what it was like having him around here every day.
We vacationed in Steamboat Springs, Denver, Taos and Santa Fe, New Orleans, and Portland.
Good friends moved away. Got married.    I lost some weight. Flew to California to take care of Dad after he spent two weeks in ICU.
This is a ridiculous blog post. I cannot sum up a year into one of those obnoxious Christmas letters. I am no longer capable.
The only thing of major significance is that I quit my job. The way I quit. How freaking long it took me. And how bad it was before I left. And I can't even share the juicy details.
I love Peanut. And Brandon. And all my friends.
I saved a lot of dogs.
The house needs a lot of work.
There. That's it. 2012 is nearly over. If I had not changed the trajectory of my career, it would have been a year like any other.
Now I am disappointed in myself. Maybe tomorrow I can do something of actual value. Or use.

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